Paper Birds Garland

Paper Birds Garland

by Mollie Greene & Photography By Paige French


Found papers
Sturdy string or yarn
Wrinkle free glue stick
Printable bird template (Available below)
Glitter & Tacky Glue (optional)



Choose medium weight paper. Cut out the bird template. Each bird on the garland is made out of two pieces of paper so that once they are glued and strung the wings can be opened

to create fuller birds. Stack two pieces of paper together; trace the template on the top paper, then cut both papers at once. Repeat for each bird. Fold paper over and cut triangles and flags so that the folded edge sits on the string.


Cut desired length string and tie a loop at both ends. Use the wrinkle free glue to attach little flags and birds to the string (gluing only the body of the bids and leaving wings, feathers, head, and feet free). Press two layers of the birds together firmly with the string positioned straight and in a way that will allow the bird to hang upright. Continue this pattern until you have reached your desired length.


After the glue has dried, gently fluff the bird’s feathers and tail. If desired, apply a little tacky glue and glitter to a few edges to accent the bird’s shape. Hang over your mantle, door, mirror, or anywhere else you would like a little winter cheer.



Mollie Greene is a maker, artist, and writer living in Greenville, SC. She works her magic with paper creating surprisingly graphic and delicate creations from vintage and found papers. She is the artist behind the Royal Buffet Etsy shop and has written two paper craft books: the self published work Make & Do (2011), and Sweet Paper Crafts (2013). You can find more of Mollie Greene’s work on